QuickClick System™


This particular technology will allow the adjustment of the bow’s power without the use of keys and, above all, in an intuitive and extremely rapid way. Generally, in traditional risers, once there is a “bow discharge”, in order to obtain the load and tiller desired it would be necessary to block the disk of the limb holder by tightening the grub screw.

Instead, QuickClick is designed as a system of self-locking clicks and complete manual movements, without the use of keys. This will enable rapid and easy adjustments of both the power load of the limbs and the tiller.

By manually rotating the disks of the QuickClick groups to the pockets, one can easily find the perfect setting. Each 90° click of the disk corresponds to a variation of +/- 0.5% of the load according to the limb used.

Among the available options for the XM1, for those who have particular needs such as, for example, H&F - 3D shooters and/or for those who intend to use bows in natural environments with dense vegetation, there is also the possibility of equipping the upper disks of QuickClick with an additional safety locking screw that would prevent any unintentional movement of QuickClick.

(see figure, detail in yellow)